We are a group of Christians in Carmarthen that meet together on a regular basis in accordance with the Word of God. We are passionate in sharing the Good News of salvation within our local community.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life - John chapter 3 verse16, The Bible.

Ebenezer Gospel Hall
Blue Street
SA31 3LE
The Gospel Hall where we meet is located across from the Bus Station on Blue Street, Carmarthen.
Parking is available in the council carpark across the road from the hall.

The Gospel
Reading, writing and arithmetic are the three basic elementary studies and the fundamentals of an education. Here are the three basics of the message of the gospel, ruin, remedy and responsibility.
Sin has separated each of us from God, and as such we no longer have a relationship with our Creator. Sin has ruined us, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. God is Holy and righteous and we are not and God must punish sin for the wages of sin is eternal death. Yet, God has provided a remedy by sending His Son, Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for our sin. He did this by dying on a cross and taking our sin upon Himself, Jesus Christ has paid the price for our sin. But there is responsibility on each of us to believe in what He has done for us, and He has proven it by rising again from the dead and is now in heaven and commands all everywhere to turn from their sin and to trust him for forgiveness. Put your faith in Him. The gospel message places a responsibility on each of its hearers. We all have a decision to make, now. What will we do with God’s offer? What will you do with His Son? Are you saved?
Please get in touch if you have any questions. You can use the contact form below or email